Wednesday 30 November 2011

Idea 1-3:- Back to the drawing board

After the presentation I discovered a like for the ideas, though perhaps some not ambitious enough or perhaps too similar to other stuff out there to stand out and warrant spending a long time on it. I also needed stronger attainable first hand reference for the projects in order to limit the amount of concepting and testing I would need to go through adding an extra heavy weight to the already difficult task of building a believable environment.


So I went away and pondered again to what interested me not only personally but also in terms of what I want to create as an aspiring environment artist . I also tried to start with a small idea and then gather stronger reference material to help reinforce the smaller idea and help set up a stronger foundation on which I could build upon. I felt more relaxed when tackling it this way as I found I wasn't having to create entire country's, back stories and universes in which these places needed to exist and have in order for them to become real to the audience. It also gave me the opportunity cut out some of the harder concepting stage as stuff in the real world you can find is actually as cool or cooler than the pretty, shiny concept art I was looking at for inspiration to my favourite games and films. Also it's probably that stuff that inspired those concept artists and the lime to create those great pieces!

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